NAIFA New Member Enrollment Script
I was honored to have the opportunity to facilitate the NAIFA Ohio Leadership Conference on February 24th, 2016. My presentation included a NAIFA New Member
Become Values Based
[vsw id=”qh3WcG46_Zs” source=”youtube” width=”597″ height=”336″ autoplay=”no”] Unmet Needs are a blessing and a curse. Many of you can still remember back when the United States
Are You Accomplished 7 Weeks Into 2016?
Accomplished is more than a word that is resonating with me at the moment, 7 weeks into 2016, after wrapping up the week of February 15th in advance of travelling
Escape Your Comfort Zone
[vsw id=”PwdU2b_RDAc” source=”youtube” width=”597″ height=”336″ autoplay=”no”] Let me take you back to 2013, when I did a TEDx Talk on “The Inspirational Tipping Point” and
Breathe New Life Into Your Business and Yourself
February 2016 is well underway and you have completed your: 5 Year Vision 2016 Business and Marketing Plan complete with Monthly Scorecards and Progress Reports