Empower Your Assistant By Helping Them See What They Are Doing Right
My client is feeling like their assistant can be doing more than they are doing because they have demonstrated that they have the capabilities. My
September 30, 2010
Matt Anderson – The Referral Authority Walks His Talk
Matt Anderson – The Referral Authority is someone that truly walks his talk. Matt and I met as fellow speakers at the Vancouver 2010 MDRT,
September 29, 2010
Social Media At Work, At Work, At Work
Here’s an example of Social Media at work, at work, at work. If you have been reading, you will know that I qualified for the top
September 28, 2010
Marketing Outside The “Wall Street – Money Never Sleeps” Box Office
“Two for the Wall Street – Money Never Sleeps show please” I said to the cashier at the Avalon Theatre in Nanaimo on Friday evening,
September 27, 2010
Please Vote for Me’s Name That Visionary Contest
Dear All,I’ve been shortlisted for’s ‘Name That Visionary Contest’: Who are the Top 10 leaders in the industry today? Round One is over and
September 24, 2010