Clear Your Roadblocks Testimonials from Global Pacific Financial Services – Surrey, BC – October 2, 2012
“The best part of the presentation was when Simon talked about making a mission statement, writing down objectives and measuring the growth of my business.
October 10, 2012
Would It Be Worth 4 Minutes To Take The Balanced Business Barometer To Prepare For 2013?
Is your business in or out of balance? Excelling or struggling with: 1) Strategic Planning 2) Financial Modeling 3) Client Management 4) Sales & Marketing
October 3, 2012
Are Your Clients Having Trouble Printing Their Statements?
One of my clients was having a challenge with some of his clients / prospects not knowing how to print their online investment statements as
September 28, 2012
Can One Have Thought Leadership Without Time Management?
Here is a copy of a financial advisor’s completed Balanced Business Barometer showing their results in the following seven areas of business: • Strategic Planning
September 27, 2012