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Best Financial Advisors – Fear Is The True Enemy

Another day at a hotel room desk working on or rather completing the final details of my book Curing The Unmet Needs Disease. The good news is I have two more technical details to review and I am complete. All we need now is as many fresh sets of eyes as we can get to spot the missing words and spelling mistakes. Fresh sets of eyes because my editors and I can’t see the sea in the sea of words. Click here to Receive The First Seven Chapters For Free.

Here’s one the 39 book cover photos that Jo-Anne McArthur took on Monday.

Curing The Unmet Needs Disease talks about how to meet the Unmet Need of Worthiness and the ensuing negative emotions and beliefs.

I believe were all born perfect and it is only the fear based ego mind that has tricked us into believing the contrary.

The ego’s fear based beliefs are from some notion that there is big business, clergy, employer, government, god, law enforcement, military, parent, politician or teacher that is responsible for our lack of worthiness.

The answer to our worthiness issues will never get resolved from outside of ourselves.

Worthiness can only be fulfilled by waking up and focusing on our vision along with the values, positive feelings and beliefs that we wish to experience.

This focus will allow us to awaken from the dream of the ego and its addiction and obsession of blaming the patriarch for all of its problems.

While we blame, we remain victims of whatever we allow the ego mind to believe.

Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy.