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Being The Best Financial Advisor – Are You Avoiding The “P” Word?

A late Thursday afternoon CNN broadcast reported that with all that has gone on in the markets, the “P” Word had not been used until President Bush addressed the American people on Wednesday evening.

What is the “P” Word?


I talk with financial advisors all day long and cool heads prevail.

Financial advisors believe that we don’t need to worry about another great depression.

I still ask are you avoiding the “P” word?

What is the “P” Word?


If you don’t believe that we are heading for another great depression and that we are nearing the bottom of this market, now is the time to get out there and communicate with your clients about what you believe, that we are nearing the time to reinvest, to ask for referrals and PROSPECT!

PROSPECT while your competitors are in fear, in panic and avoiding their clients.

On our end, out of 30 days in September I will have been on the road 14 days out of the 30.


I’m travelling on Sunday to speak to Pro-Seminars in Kitchener 8am ET.

Here are a few more advance book testimonials.

Have a great weekend.

“I wouldn’t have lasted in this business without Simon’s coaching and support. I still struggle at times with the “unmet needs disease”. This book provides the insight, understanding and systems to assist in ending the struggle.”

Glennis Deslippe BSN, RHU
Account Manager
Group Benefits
Integral Financial Services Inc.
Surrey, BC

“This easy read helped me realize I was supplying the mortar for the very walls that held me back. Thankyou Simon for providing tools and techniques in a book that so aptly describes me. I’m awake now and the future is incredibly bright and exciting! “

Barb Holland
Executive Director
The Holland Benefits Group
Windsor, ON

“Curing The Unmet Needs Disease will help you to become a better financial advisor and is the missing link to building a profitable and sustainable financial advisor business.”

Tom Miller, President
Alex Nicholson, VP Education
Beamsville, ON