Membership is not a product; NAIFA Membership is a personalized service. Discover what the potential NAIFA member wants to improve upon in their business.
Experiencing uncertainty with what is happening with the election nationally, clouding and distracting your vision on a business and personal level?
My good friend Chris Barrow wrote a blog post called I Used To. I’m flying back from the Las Vegas 2016 NAIFA Performance + Purpose Conference and Sacramento Association of Health Underwriters via Salt Lake passing the time.
The 2016 NAIFA Performance + Purpose Conference in Las Vegas was an incredible success for Laura and I with the opportunity to add value to our NAIFA family and friends through connections, conversations, exhibiting and speaking.
Doubling your business cannot coincide with your internal operating system problems. You’re being bombarded with multiple distractions.
I’ve had a number of life and death conversations in my lifetime talking with clients about making a choice to live or die. September is…
Are you looking for a way to Inspire Your Business in Any Economy or Market that will Inspire you into 2017 and beyond?
Its time for catching up on calm. I’m on day 1 of 3 consecutive Buffer Days and writing a blog post catch up since a blogging break on July 25th.