My December 13th Blog; Preparation To Speak At GAMA LAMP Conference March 11-14, 2018, Nashville, TN explained part of the process that I am using…
Season’s Greetings from Simon Reilly, Laura Reilly and the staff of Leading Advisors. Looking forward to working with you to meet and exceed your goals for 2018.
One of the Speaking Milestones of Financial Services Speaking is, speaking at the MDRT and the other is speaking at the GAMA LAMP Conference. I’m thrilled to be speaking and exhibiting at the 3000 attendee strong GAMA LAMP Conference March 11-14, in Nashville, TN.
At the heart of you is your being, your soul, and infinite possibilities. Yet, there is a part of your mind called the amygdala that has you believing that you are not enough.
The following is a portion of an email I sent to one of my clients after a conversation we had about them being unsuccessful with a new Two Million Dollar Case.
We, here at Leading Advisor, want to wish all our USA associates, clients, family, and friends a Happy USA Thanksgiving 2017.
While I love the day-to-day coaching, and running of the business, my little “i” (what you might remember as being governed by the amygdala, that walnut-sized part of the brain also known as the ego or limbic or emotional brain, what Seth Godin calls the lizard brain) seems to be wanting to run the show these past few weeks.
After an extensive search, I came up with a couple of boy movies that Laura and I had not watched, The Shack and Wind River. I found it interesting that these movies included content on both forgiveness or vengeance.