Whew! What a Monday. I sent my final review to my editor of Friday night and we had a weekend in the city and my…
“I don’t build in order to have clients. I have clients in order to build.” – Howard Roark played by Gary Cooper. This means to…
First off, I’m going to go and buy a barrel of oil … they were only $130.00 a barrel over the weekend! A 13% discount…
It’s deadline day to get my comments back to our editor on the edited version of the book … not sure how long the day…
Just taking a break from reviewing the editing on the book. 🙁 We will have to get a new main computer as the computer technicians…
It’s 6pm on Tuesday and I’ve been working on reviewing my editor’s work since 5am and I am finished, save for a few tweaks, Chapters…
5:30am, Monday, July 14, 2008 and I’m starting the day with getting my office reorganized as my main computer is still in the shop and…
To improve my writing, I’ve been following though with Kate McCaffery’s recommendation to inspire myself with reading different types of material and I’ve been enjoying…