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Attraction Is Based On Who Versus What

I am truly in awe of Wayne Dyer and his decades of research and experience on inspiration.

It’s late Tuesday afternoon and Laura and I are back on Vancouver Island from our weekend trip to the mainland that included seeing Wayne Dyer on Monday evening.

The rest of the week will be invested in coaching calls with my clients.

Here are my notes from Wayne Dyers presentation;

Enlightenment doesn’t have to come through suffering.

How much more collective fear can we experience that we have not already experienced through the media.

It is not what is going on, it is your belief.

A calling never lets up.

You will see it when you believe it.

When you change the way you look at things, the things that you look at change.

Parts of The Secret can be misleading. Attraction is not based upon what you want. Attraction is based upon who you are.

Detach from do what I do to get.

Want what you want more for someone else.

It doesn’t make sense to die without discovering your music within and fulfilling your special calling.

Do nothing to get everything done. Think small, don’t think big, do what you can do in the moment. Sidebar – I believe it is important to have a vision … create three actions steps and take action … don’t get stuck creating the perfect plan. That is all ego. The ego wants the plan to be approved, controlled, perfect, safe, worthy and all the rest of its insane unmet needs.

EGO – Edge God Out. Edge out from which all things originate.

EGO – more, more, more.

Being – serve, serve, serve.

Are you a host of God or the host of the EGO?

No tree has branches so high that they fight among themselves.

You did not come here in fear and in sin.

We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.

If you knew who walked beside you at all times you would never experience fear again.

The kingdom of heaven is within.

Create a sacred space where you can find peace.

Wake up early, the breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.

All mans troubles come from the inability to be alone.

Surrender. From nowhere to now where, it is all taken care of.

Motivation is an idea gets a hold of you.

Inspiration is you get a hold of an idea.


Motivation is your unmet needs have a hold of you.

Inspiration is you get a hold of your values.

Squeeze an orange. What is inside? Orange juice. What is inside of you? You can only get out what is inside. You are inside of what is inside.

Learn to think with awareness.

It is being, beyond belief.

A person ends all conflict with understanding.

Be noble, better than you used to be.