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At What Point Does It Make Sense To Either Hire Someone Or Fire Myself?

A prospective client e-mailed me the above question with an overview of their situation and here is my reply.

I’m observing:

• You have a lot of personal goals and you are increasing your professional goals to reach your retirement goal.

• You have just re-invented your business so to speak with a new name, brand, web site and marketing plan.

• You are expecting results from the new name, brand, web site and marketing plan.

To answer your question; At what point does it make sense to either hire someone or fire myself?

I’m suggesting that you put all of your current projects, actions, routines on a huge list. In the next column, determine the amount of time required to do them and then schedule them by time blocking them in a 7 day a week / 24 hour week at a glance calendar. You will either have enough time or you will come to the conclusion that you cannot fit it all in. Your next steps will be to re-visit the list of current projects, actions, routines to ask yourself what do I love to do and what must I delegate in order to fulfill your goal. At the same time, you may come to the conclusion that you must hire up meaning hiring someone that is better than you need versus hiring someone just to get by.

Having said all of this, you may be having a values conflict which might be driving you to trying to do too much being a doer of everything and a master of nothing.

If you are having trouble setting the time aside to do what I have suggested then this is a sign that there is a values conflict.

Either what I am saying to you here rings true for you or it doesn’t.

If you have had enough of operating with a values conflict spreading you too thin and if you are interested in meeting and exceeding your goals and taking the strong actions that will be required to achieve this …. I can help you with this … but only if you have had enough of doing it your way.

Please e-mail Laura if you want to schedule an appointment to discuss how I can help you to meet and exceed your goals.

Best regards,
