There is a ton of talk / questions about social media ROI ( return on investment ) .
I’m happy to say that we have received two new clients in the past 30 days from social media which is significant given that we received them as a result of posts on LinkedIn while I’m at the home office in Parksville, BC and not thousands of miles away speaking at a financial advisor speaking event.
Here again is the Post that I put on LinkedIn, FaceBook and Twitter via Hootsuite and this is followed by a Comment reply from a follower. I then followed up by E-Mail Reply which lead to the creation of a client appointment and a relationship. A beautiful thing.
Social Media Post
Are you hiring assistants so that they will like you or so they have the values and behaviors to do the job?
Social Media Comment
“This question touches a nerve. I’ve hired for ability and had them end up with personality conflicts, and hired because I liked them (and also thought they could do the job) but that hasn’t worked either. Admin assistant hiring for me has been a major pain as well as a big problem because I can’t get one to work out. They each have done some parts of the job well, but not the ‘package’ and more often than not don’t ‘get me’ so this also create problems. I’m very frustrated about this.”
Dear John Doe Social Media Prospect,
Thank you for your thoughts.
I understand your frustration.
As a business coach and a values and behaviours analyst, I use values and behaviours assessments to help my clients understand their values and behaviours / strengths and areas to strengthen.
When we don’t understand ourselves there is judgement. When there is judgement there can be no understanding.
The values and behaviours assessments form a foundation when it comes to hiring the right assistant as we work with our clients using the understanding gained from the values and behaviours assessments to write the job description, the ad, the interview questions so that we are attracting the right candidate based on the values and behaviours that match the person that they report to and the job. The final step is the candidate completes a values and behaviours assessment to guarantee a successful hire.
If this sounds of interest, please e-mail me back and I’ll have Laura contact your to schedule a telephone conversation.
Best regards,
P.S. We will be away until September 6th.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You