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Do You Know Your ABCs?

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Now we’re getting into action plans.

What are we going to do going forward by quarter, to be able to make the next year extraordinary?

The first one is — give thanks.

Get your calendar out, look at all the things that you have completed in the last 12 months and identify them. In fact, write them down.

Write down all of your accomplishments.

The next thing is… write down how they make you feel.

The next thing is… write down what Values you’re expressing.

The next thing is… write down the belief system that you have been using that is the influence to be able to help you to be able to create those goals and achievements that you have to give thanks for.

So, do an inventory of the last 12 months.

That will set the stage for your next 12 months going forward.

How are you going to build a business in the next 3-5 years?

So, increase revenue per client, by increasing A and B clients.

No new C and D clients.

And what does that mean?

Does that mean that we are going to get rid of all the C and D clients?


What that is suggesting is that you’re going to bring in an Associate Advisor to start looking after the C & D clients.

There’s an expression: ‘Nature abhors a vacuum.’

If you’re space is already filled with A, B, C and D clients, there is no more room for any more A and B clients to come in.

But if you pay it forward and bring in an Associate Advisor that is newer to the business who would thoroughly appreciate working with the C and D clients, you will create a vacuum which will create more space for you to attract more A and B clients.