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ABB – Always Be Blogging

I received this e-mail from my friend Loic at Advisor Websites on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.

Hi Simon,

I hope you are doing well. I’ve been reading your tweets and blog updates and you have been pretty busy over the past couple of months.

I have been invited to co-host a webinar with http://byallaccounts.com/ and was thinking of including some views from successful adopters of social media and email marketing and thought you might be interested to be featured in my slides.

If you’re interested, would you be able to write 1-2 quick paragraphs explaining your social media and/or email marketing approach and its results for your business.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

Loic Jeanjean

Online Marketing Manager

Advisor Websites
P: 604.696.6260 | F: 604.601.2160 | T: 1.866.500.4113

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Here is my reply.

ABB – Always Be Blogging

My social media journey started with the launch of www.leadingadvisor.com along with my Clear Your Roadblocks monthly E-Newsletter  www.leadingadvisor.com/financial-advisor-newsletter/ in December of 2004 and the launch of my daily blog www.leadingadvisor.com/blog/ followed in February of 2005 with 1623 posts.

Almost six years ago when I had no clue about the social media juggernauts of the big three; LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter starting in 2002, 2003 and 2006 respectively.

I guess you could say that I am old school and I adopted “if it is going to be, it is up to me” when I came to realize that while SEO gave me top Google rankings in the following categories, it was not giving me the calls and e-mail that I was expecting; “financial advisor coach”, “financial advisor coaching”, “financial advisor speaker”, financial advisor speaking” and “financial advisor training”

So with “if it is going to be, it is up to me”, I set out four and a half years ago to drive traffic to my web site through speaking coast to coast at financial advisor conferences and tradeshows.

I’ve spoken at over 150 of the who’s who of financial advisor conferences and tradeshows that include; Advocis, Canada Life, Independent Financial Brokers, Manulife, Pro Seminars, Sun Life, The Million Dollar Round Table, and my speaking schedule for 2010 https://leadingadvisor.com/financial-advisor-speaking/speaking-in-a-city-near-you/ includes speaking for the best of the best including; Great West Life, HUB Financial and London Life.

Along the way I’ve been written about in the Advocis Forum Magazine, Advisor.ca, and The Investment Executive and I was voted as one of the finalists in Advisor.ca’s ‘Name That Visionary Contest’ as voted on by their readers. We have created a presence on YouTube and we look forward to enhancing this by the end of the year. www.youtube.com/results?search_query=simon+reilly+&aq=f

With almost six years into social media, I am still a novice with having spoken to 15,000 – 20,000 financial advisors that narrows down to a Clear Your Roadblocks monthly E-Newsletter readership of about 10% and we look forward to strengthen our social media relationships with our tribe because we have an enormous amount of speaking contacts to reconnect with through LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

One thing I know for sure, I would never be receiving these kinds of e-mails from Australia, Canada, the UK, and the USA if it were not for social media; “I’ve been reading your E-Newsletter and Blog for about a year and a half off and on and I’d like to have a conversation with you.”

The biggest benefit of all, is social media helped me to find my voice and published my first book called, Curing The Unmet Needs Disease, and my second book is ready to be published entitled, Breaking Through The Plateauing Out Syndrome.