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No Bull Marketing™

“The Young Bull” by Paulus Potter, 1647 oil on canvas, Mauritshuis, The Hague

You may have of heard the following based on an crude old joke where the young bull says to the old bull, “lets run down the hill and prospect one of those cows!” The old bull says to the young bull “lets not and walk down and prospect them all”. The No Bull Marketing™ Consultant says to both of them, “let’s use No Bull Marketing™ or Nurture Marketing or Pull Marketing and have the qualified ones walk up here and ask us about what we have to offer” because they checked out our web site and blog and subscribed to our e-newsletter.

Push Marketing is the old school cold calling, direct mail and newspaper advertising. No Bull Marketing™ or Nurture Marketing or Pull Marketing is finding a niche where you can solve a problem, write about solutions in your website, e-newsletter and blog, develop your writing into speaking presentations, write for magazines & newspapers, go out and tell 10,000 people in your niche and never do another cold call again which is exactly what Chris Barrow told me to do and we are doing it.

All off this “Bull” kind of came together because I am speaking to In-House Insurance Specialists that received Insurance Leads from In-House Investment Advisors that all work for firms that are members of The Investment Dealers Association.

It is clear that we are in a Bear versus Bull Market.

It is said that you don’t have to outrun the Bear Market; you just have to have better strategies.

One of strategies could be Branding and No Bull Marketing™. What is kind of cool is I think that I just created a Brand – “No Bull Marketing™ In A Bear Market”.

Part of your Branding could be writing an Insurance Specialist E-Newsletter talking about in times of the Bull Market; Investment Advisor’s Clients are making money and are spending on automobiles, clothes, exercise equipment, golf, holidays that include ecotourism, homes, jewelry and a whole lot more. In the Bear Market, Investment Advisor’s Clients are more interested in keeping what they already have and a more open to listen to advice on Insuring what they have through Life Insurance because Money’s To Tight To Mention for some Investment Advisors, again, in a Bear Market.

Some examples of the Insurance Specialist E-Newsletter could include non-confidential generic stories about how the Insurance Specialist worked with the Investment Advisor and the Investment Advisor’s Client and how the Client, the Company, the Investment Advisor and the Insurance Specialist all benefited. The Insurance Specialist E-Newsletter could also be about improving the Investment Advisor’s understanding of Insurance and how to handle the experience and objections that their Clients face through the sales process of Insurance. The Insurance Specialist E-Newsletter could also be about marketing and sales tips and the content is endless.

This kind of sequays into a writer and speaker that my old friend Ken Farrish introduced me to way back in the 80’s called Hank Trisler who coined No Bull Selling.

Hence the story of The Young Bull, The Old Bull & The No Bull Marketing™ Consultant.

So why not learn No Bull Marketing™ so that you never have to make another cold call again??

Please note that I’ve Googled “No Bull Marketing™” and I can’t seem to find anyone that is using this as a Brand. If I have missed anyone in my search, I am happy to pull this blog and the No Bull Marketing™. I not that stuck in No Bull Marketing™.