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12 Working Days To Mid Year

An amazing photograph taken by Jo-Anne McArthur at The Toronto Independent Financial Brokers Summit.

Including today, today benchmarks 12 working days left to the middle of 2008.

• Where are you year to date relating to your goals for the year?
• What have you accomplished so far in all areas of your business life and personal life?
• How does that make you feel?
• What are your goals for the second half of 2008?

* * *

It has been an amazing week with excellent coaching calls with clients and progress on the Book, Branding, How To Thrive In A Recession Booklet, June E-Newsletter, Preparation for the Canada Life Speaking Presentation on June 19th, Public Speaking Marketing Page Upgrade ( in production ) and Speaking at The Advocis School.

A sad week at the same time as the Vet is still trying to sort out what is going on with Chase. My instinct is telling me it is food/organ related versus a brain tumor and we will know next Wednesday after an MRI. May the force be with Chase.

Have a wonderful weekend.