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Branding Statement – The Clear Advisor™

You know branding is an amazing process which requires getting all of the pieces labeled or branded so that they are all packaged together and it has been a challenge for us because our business, like most is in an evolutionary process. So here goes another go at fine tuning the branding … keep in mind that this is a draft and it just might be fine tuned again.

Names – Titles

Business – Leading Advisor™
Elevator Speech – ( to be added )
Book Title – Curing The Unmet Needs Disease™
Speaking Presentation – Clearing Your Roadblocks To Your Success™
Advisor Needs Analysis – The Clear Values Program™
Coaching Program – The Clear Advisor Program™

Here is the story that ties it all together;

Leading Advisor™ works with financial advisors through The Clear Advisor Program™ which is a three step process to;

1. Clear their Unmet Needs
2. Clear their Limiting Beliefs
3. Clear their Limiting Emotions

As you know, there are many, many challenges that financial advisors face that include;

• Not having a written vision and business plan
• Not asking for referrals
• Not delegating

Take Asking For Referrals as an example …

• The Unmet Need related to Asking For Referrals is Approval which generates
• The Limiting Beliefs of; I am not good enough and I don’t know enough and the client may say no and The Unmet Need and The Limiting Beliefs generates
• The Limiting Emotions of anxiety and fear and these all continue to lock in the
• The Unmet Need & The Limiting Beliefs & The Limiting Emotions
• The result is no Referral and worse yet, their client often picks up on The Unmet Need & The Limiting Beliefs & The Limiting Emotions

Another example is Delegating …

• The Unmet Need related to Delegating is Control which generates
• The Limiting Beliefs of; No one can do it as good as me and if I delegate it, the person will make a mistake and The Unmet Need and The Limiting Beliefs generates
• The Limiting Emotions of anxiety and fear and these all continue to lock in the
• The Unmet Need & The Limiting Beliefs & The Limiting Emotions
• The result is not Delegating and worse yet, the financial advisor is frustrated and angry about the amount of paperwork and the client often picks up on The Unmet Need & The Limiting Beliefs & The Limiting Emotions

The reason that we focus on Curing The Unmet Needs Disease™, which is the title of my upcoming book, is there is an expression, Values are like Turtles, they only come out when it is safe. The Unmet Need & The Limiting Beliefs & The Limiting Emotions will dominate Values.

Through the use of The Clear Values Assessments™ and The Clear Values Program™, we help our clients to become;

1. Clear on their Values
2. Clear on their Positive Beliefs
3. Clear on their Positive Feelings

Values are the DNA of Vision and Vision is the DNA of The Business Plan which helps the financial advisor become a Leading Advisor™ in the industry.

This segues into the copy from the main page of our Web Site Main Page ( to be edited to suit the above ) which is at the bottom of this e-mail.

Web Site Main Page

You are an established and successful Financial Advisor …

Yet, are you facing Roadblocks struggling to get to the next level or bouncing against a barrier that you cannot break through?

Would you like to Clear Your Roadblocks To Your Success™?

Are you successful, yet consumed with the cumulative demands of clients, sales, personnel and market driven changes in profitability, niche marketing and service requirements?

You are trying to put the following key strategies in place;

1. Clearing Your Roadblocks to Your Success™
2. Create a Vision for the future
3. Develop a Business Plan made of Sharp Strategies and Robust Systems
4. Implement Excellent Financial Controls
5. Recruit and lead a Championship Support Team
6. Refine your Marketing and Sales Skills
7. Own a Unique Brand in an Affluent Niche
8. Focus on Specialized Products
9. Become the Recognized Expert for your Clients
10. Deliver Amazing Customer Service

At the same time, are some or all of the following Roadblocks holding you back?

• Lack of focus and a loss of the motivation
• Selling too many products
• Over demanding and unsatisfied clients
• Too many clients
• Failure to delegate and trying to do everything yourself
• Conflict and disputes with partners, management, associates and staff
• Not making enough money

…which means that you are working long hours, have no time to relax, and are disillusioned by business systems that are not working and by a lack of enthusiasm for your business.