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A Business Ramp Meter = No Business Road Rage

Business Projects Flow Smoothly With A Ramp Meter

Business Projects Will Crash Without A Ramp Meter

It’s 12:45pm on Monday and I’ve completed the planning process for the week and for the month and this process is kind of like a Ramp Meter on a Freeway On Ramp.

Why is that some business owners fail to take the time at the beginning of the week to merge in their business building projects into the steady stream of ongoing routine projects? Maybe their business is just an accident waiting to happen.

A ramp meter is a device like a traffic light on a red or green, no yellow, which is combined with controller that regulates the flow of traffic entering the freeway. The end result is the ramp meter reduces the congestion created by too many cars coming on the freeway at the times when there are too many cars all bunched together.

So my Business Ramp Meter looks like the following so I can merge in the business building projects and routine business projects;

• No booking any appointments on Mondays
• Making a list of all my projects or updating my list of projects for the month using MS Excel or MS Tasks
• Prioritize the list by due date and here is an example;

13-Jun – Book First Four Chapters Edits Received
19-Jun – Book First Four Chapters Edits Approved
20-Jun – Book Publisher
27-Jun – Book Last Three Chapters Edits Received
30-Jun – Book Acknowledgements
30-Jun – Book Workbook
4-Jul – Book Last Three Chapters Edits Approved
11-Jul – Book Final Received
18-Jul – Book Final Draft Approved
1-Aug – Book Marketing

The outcome is all projects are running smoothly and …

No Business Road Rage.