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Reaffirming That The Vision Is Working

Chase, June 2006

A busy and sad weekend as Laura, Helen ( Laura’s Mother ) and I went for a great visit with my Mother Irene in Agassiz, BC which makes for a long day of a 5:30am wakeup and we arrive back at home at 8pm the same time. Irene is happy and doing well after her 88th birthday and it was great that Helen came along to add in her warmth and conversation.

The sad thing about the weekend is Laura’s Collie / Boarder Collie is having some odd health problems and we took Chase to the Vet on Sunday so Chase is getting blood and urine tests for blood sugar, kidney, liver and thyroid and we will have a better idea on Tuesday … 🙁 then it may be an MRI. The good news is his heart and abdominal organs are OK, he has some vision, he doesn’t have cataracts, there is no retinal detachment, the eye vessels are normal, he doesn’t have glaucoma and his temperature is fine and all of this has nothing to do with him bumping into things. Chase has gone from a ball of fire chasing balls and sticks for hours if we would let him, hence his name Chase to old age almost overnight with lower energy, drooling and even though he has some vision, he is bumping into things and he has put on about five pounds. Maybe it is a food and exercise thing and Chase is the equivalent of 60 human years and maybe it is a case of backing off on his diet as it would be like me gaining 50 pounds in 6 weeks and I would doing the same and have low energy, drool and bumping into things. Let’s hope for the best as Laura has had Chase since he was a puppy and has trained him into being the wonder dog … honestly my eyes well up as I write this as Chase is a real character as we have had so many enjoyable hours playing with Chase and Chase responds so well to be told “Chase, you are the smartest dog in the whole world!”

I did a ton of reading of the weekend and ran across and interesting article in The Vancouver Sun by Fizil Mihlar called “Why do we keep believing predictions from ‘experts’?”.

The article’s closing paragraph is as follows;

Still, the question remains: Why do people believe what doomsday environmentalists, economists, business executives, preachers and astrologers tell us is going to happen 10, 20 or 100 years from now? Apart from our deep desire to know what’s going to happen to us and our families in the future, there is no question that too many of us are suckers for a fine yarn spun by “experts.”

I am intrigued and will answer this question in a forthcoming blog or e-newsletter.

Having one arm has its advantages as Laura did the driving which gave me the opportunity to do some reading and I believe I am going to need to do more and more reading as it looks like I have been confirmed to write a monthly column in a national financial advisor magazine. Reading taps me into the Meme Pool and gets the creative juices flowing. So this weekend allowed me to pore over magazines that included; Inc., Scientific American Mind and Wired.

On another note, I have been looking for a way to eliminate the dreaded TV monster so I may have the answer, make my study a little more comfortable, make it into a full blown media room with the computer on the big screen and invest one or two evenings a week to stay on top of my reading and that way I will stay on top of having fresh material. By the looks of this blog, it looks like the reading is already working.

On a final note, here is a great article that will turn your environmental thinking on its head. Would you be interested to know why a Hummer has less of a manufacturing imprint than a Hybrid Car and that Organic Farming isn’t what it is reported to be? The main thing is clear, we are all thinking about; Inconvenient Truths: Get Ready to Rethink What It Means to Be Green.

Today, Monday is a Buffer Day and I am investing the day into getting on top of my projects and their priority versus allowing my fear based ego mind turning them all into an “A Priority” and making all of it and me along with it into one big mess.

Having been confirmed to write a monthly column in a national financial advisor magazine is another confirmation that our vision is being realized and that the completion of the following;

• Branding & Packaging
• Book / Workbook
• Showreel
• Tradeshow Booth

… will all lay the foundation to get the message out to more and more financial advisors through;

• Hiring an assistant
• Hiring a marketing assistant
• Vlogging
• Upgrading our web site

… delivering our message through existing and new;

• One On One Telephone Coaching
• Live One On One One Day Planning Sessions
• Group Coaching
• Articles in International Financial Advisor Publications
• Blog, E-Newsletter & Website
• Books
• E-Books & Audio / Power Points
• Sponsored Public Speaking
• Private Workshops
• Sponsored Workshops
• Viral Marketing

… experiencing;

• More inspiration, research and insights
• More reinvention
• Getting the message out to more and more financial advisors
• More friendships
• More travel
• More health and exercise
• More and unique systems and ways to market