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Radial Head Fracture


So there I was, 4:30pm Wednesday June 5th, and I’m cycling in top gear going through an “s curve” through a parking lot and then lining up to go between two concrete barricades which I have gone through a hundred times and then I lost my focus thinking “I wonder what’s for dinner” and bang, my front wheel hit the concrete barricade and the bike is going down with me going over the bars and I can see the ground coming up real fast to do a face plant so I throw my arm out … and Laura I left the Nanaimo Emergency Ward at about 11pm.

I managed to ride the bike home, had a shower to clean out the small cuts and one fare sized road burn on my leg and Laura bandaged me up.

I said to Laura that I will be alright … as time went by my arm started to really ache and my fingers started to swell up so off to the Nanaimo Emergency Ward we go, kind of odd having to drive 25 minutes to a hospital and they confirmed I have a radial head fracture which is kind of like an elbow dislocation.

The good news, it’s my left arm and I have to do is wear a sling, instead of a cast and I can even type as I am doing now.

In hind site, I’ve have the bike for over five years and my riding is getting more and more intense and faster as my core and length strength improves and this is the first time I have had anything happen on the bike after hundreds and hundreds of rides.