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Dear Editor + Media Buzz

If you have been reading my blogs over the past week or so you will know that we have been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed in a good way by the response to my speaking presentations at last week’s Toronto Independent Financial Brokers Summit and that this week was supposed to be devoted to writing the companion workbook to my book. This has created a juggling contest between following up on the speaking response and the writing and I’m just unable to juggle just now.

I wrote a letter to my editor on Tuesday to buy me some time which Linda graciously received and the letter is attached.

At the same time, the IFB Summit attracted what every coach and speaker wishes for … the opportunity to write for Advisor.ca and to be interviewed for an article in The Insurance Journal and on top of that, The Elite Advisor is featuring us in their weekly e-newsletter and click here to listen to an audio interview with Peter Lantos of The Elite Advisor and I.

What does all this mean?

More writing 🙂 , more speaking 🙂 , more coaching 🙂 … be careful what you wish for!

Letter To My Editor

Hi Linda,

I hope all is well on your end.

With the response that I got from last week’s gigs which is about 250% better than any speaking gig that I have ever done, I am sorry to say that I cannot meet the end of the week deadline for the work book part of the book as I only have 31 prospect calls to do when I was expecting 10.

The good news is … and may I reference the following point on the agenda that you laid out;

• By Friday, June 6 – Simon to submit draft of workbook questions/assignments for all chapters

I see the work book part as the final chapter and I will get it done in time to fit it in at the back of the book and to you by June 24th. I hope that this gives you time to meet the deadline of;

• By Friday, June 27 – Linda to submit edits of last three chapters

I trust that his will be OK with you.

Thanks for understanding,
