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Calgary’s Independent Financial Brokers Summit


Traveling this week with Laura is and has been a blessing.

Laura critiqued my Vancouver Independent Financial Brokers Summit Presentation from Tuesday, April 11th and we discussed going less technical and adding in more client stories into the Friday’s Calgary Independent Financial Brokers Presentation.

This involved taking out about 65% of the PowerPoint Slides out of the middle of the Removing Your Roadblocks Presentation and creating brand new PowerPoints which I did yesterday on the flight to Calgary and continuing on into Thursday evening.

Friday morning gave us the time to do a few dry runs to get the timing down.

The new presentation was a real hit as demonstrated by the following testimonial;

“Hi energy, well presented, I liked the emphasis on values, the critical importance of addressing ones beliefs. Wow! The presentation that I needed to hear rite now!”

The Independent Financial Brokers puts on excellent events that are well attended by professional financial advisors and I’m looking for to the IFB Toronto, ON Summit in May of 2007.