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Drip, Drip, Drip Marketing Is Working


Laura confirmed that our Drip Marketing is working and this is very confirming and exciting.

Our Drip Marketing consists of creating numerous opportunities for our prospective clients to receive value through our public speaking, web site, e-newsletters and blogs.

Laura was reviewing the Response Forms from the Edmonton Pro-Seminars Presentation that I did on March 21st and pointed out that;

• Clients that saw me speak last year subscribed to our E-Newsletter and this year they purchased the Removing Your Roadblocks PowerPoint PDF and E-Book.

• Clients that saw me speak last year subscribed to our E-Newsletter and purchased the Removing Your Roadblocks PowerPoint PDF and E-Book and this year they purchased the 7 Actions To Meet & Exceed Your Goals PowerPoint PDF and E-Book.

Again, this supports “clients will buy from you when they know you, trust you, like you, get value and when they are ready”.

– photo courtesy of; http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewkavanagh/226431860/