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12 Questions & Answers To Create Our New Unique Selling / Value Proposition

 Unique Selling Proposition

I’m investing my summer writing time to produce a new online coaching program. Focus and time-wise, this may be a stretch to continue to write weekly blogs along with the new online coaching program.

So rather than not blog for the summer, I thought that I would share the research that we are doing related to; 12 Questions & Answers To Create Our New Unique Selling / Value Proposition.

As I may be too close to our product and for a fresh perspective, I’ve asked my editing team to answer 12 Questions To Create Our New Unique Selling / Value Proposition based on their experience of our coaching and by thoroughly researching the following documents;

  • Improvements / Outcomes that the last 10 new clients said they wanted as a result of a Values Discovery Process Interview with Laura.
  • Testimonials from the last 20 new clients
  • Coaching Call Client Prep Forms from the last 10 new clients for 60 days. Part of our Coaching Process includes our clients answering the following 5 questions in advance of a bi-weekly coaching call;
    1. What have you accomplished?
    2. What didn’t you get done?
    3. What are your opportunities?
    4. What challenges and problems are you facing right now?
    5. What do you want help with during your coaching call?

We will be posting our research over the next few months.


Ed Rousse | Leading Advisor
August, 2016

Ed Rousse
National Life Group
Montpelier VT

Simon’s coaching program is so good. The first question asked is always ‘Are you interested or committed?’ from that moment an elevated mindset begins. Drawn from a place of experience, clarity and purpose, Simon’s quiver lets you know that he’s got this, and understands where I am coming from. In a very short period of time I have come to realize that when I put in the work, I feel the rewards of his practices, skills, and tools. He’s been in these shoes and he knows how to challenge me to exceed to the next level in life and business. I have seen and heard many coaches in the industry, such as Bill Bachrach , and I just know, Simon’s got this down, I’m practicing with a good guy.