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Become Values Based

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Unmet Needs are a blessing and a curse.

Many of you can still remember back when the United States went to the moon.

1969 – The Saturn 5 Rocket.

We had, I don’t know… a million pounds of thrust going on to be able to get that rocket off the launching pad.

Remember the mission control’s countdown: 9, 8, 7 …

And they say ‘Ignition sequence start.’

4, 3, 2 …

Ladies and gentlemen… we have lift off — we’re going to the moon.

And it had one stage and then it was a second stage rocket and then a third stage rocket. A tremendous amount of force was to be able to take that Apollo 11 capsule up there to be able to get it into orbit.

Now, everybody in this room is in orbit. You are successful!

Those Unmet Needs of safety and approval and control and power and recognition have provided you with tremendous value to be able to get you off of the ground.

My point is, today, the fuel that you originally required with those Unmet Needs, is now unnecessary.

If you can imagine the Apollo 11 space capsule that’s out there in orbit and you put all 3 stages of the Saturn 5 Rocket on that capsule and you’re going to point it to the moon and you fired off that rocket, it would whistle right past the moon.

There’s too much motivation, too much power.

You know what they say about power?

Power ultimately corrupts.

You need to become needless.

Values based, from the inside out.

Values are of the heart; needs are of the mind.

Values will carry you a lot further into your future.

Now, some of you have been in business 20… 30 years.

You’re familiar with the terminology called ‘the plateauing-out syndrome’.

It kind of goes like this;

Advisors are talking amongst themselves and say, ‘Gee, I don’t know what’s going on. You know, I thought I’d be happier. I’ve got 3 cars, I’ve got 3 motor homes, I’ve got 3 resort homes, I’ve got 3 Harleys. Man, I’ve got 3 of everything! I’ve got 3 wives.

I thought I’ve got all this money, but something is missing.

Something is missing.

Those Unmet Needs that were the propulsion to drive you forward in the beginning — physiological needs frankly, have all been met now. And frankly, it’s starting to take power away from you.

What you’ve got to do is understand how to get your needs met and to Become Values Based.