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Still on holiday from my Behavioral Adaptation

A great day working with clients.

In my spare time I continued on with my planning review using mind mapping.

Though this process I had an interesting Ah-Ha.

Out of all of the business categories that I have been reviewing, the category of Writing has by far, the most information and ideas. When I say the most, I mean significant.

It took me years to finally Adapt My Behavior to Lead My Business and Create The Block Time To Write versus getting caught up in To Dos.

And now, I am observing that I’ve gone almost completely the other way.

I’ve got – OCWD


Now that the main Web Site is complete, Writing is only required to Produce a Product from time to time; the Product Articles will also feed into the E-Newsletters and Blog – Simple.

I’m getting the business back into perspective from the top down.

By the way, with OCWD, Writing A Book is going to be so easy.