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Keep Your Mind Healthy by Getting Out of Overwhelm

A quick refresher. Why are we talking about this? What is going on here? We’ve talked about this before. There’s an incredible opportunity for you as a Financial Services Professional. An incredible opportunity.

You are infinite, you are not your body and you are not your mind. You are a conscious being of happiness, joy, light, and love. It is essential for you to understand that your mind can get tired out, just like your body. Through breath, relaxation, rest and space will come time. Time will not be realized if you are thinking about the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Doing the 6 Essential Steps To Get Out Of Overwhelm will help you realize who is doing the thinking; your mind or your being. Said another way; your mind or your heart? There is even talk about the gut-brain. In my view the soul resides in the heart, the heart is the master and the mind and gut-brain are advisors to the heart master, and the heart must be the master.

Regardless of who is doing the thinking, understand this; Doing the 6 Essential Steps To Get Out Of Overwhelm will help your heart master to understand there are;

  • Ideas – that require no current action
  • Tasks – that can be acted upon in 2 minutes or less
  • Project Todos – that require a 20-minute time block of 100% focus
    One will never get to the above level of understanding unless they master the following 6 Essential Steps To Get Out Of Overwhelm;
  1. List your To-Dos (include everything)
  2. Categorize each to-do
  3. Sort your list by category
  4. Prioritize each to-do
  5. Identify which to-dos can be delegated
  6. Sort your list by priorities

Again, everything that I’m sharing with you comes from experience, my personal experience. Not only did I obsess and interview and research and go crazy to find out what the top Financial Services Professionals were doing, but I implemented it into my best-selling Leading Advisor coaching program.