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5 Steps To Inspire You For The Next 3 To 5 Years

5 Steps To Inspire You For The Next 3 To 5 Years

Why is it that we don’t take two to three days and become anonymous — getting away from family and friends to be able to review our business — to be able to define where it is we are going for the next three to five years. Again, it’s the need for safety which is tied into a negative emotion of anxiety and fear and the negative beliefs;

  • I don’t have enough time.
  • I don’t have enough money.
  • There’s too much to do.
  • I’m never going to get it all done.

That becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, from an objective point of view, what do you do about it? You need to leave town. You need to schedule time in your time management system to be able to get away for two to three days.

You want to look at your calendar for the last 12 months and you want to review and then identify all the things that you have accomplished in the last 12 months. You want to write down how that made you feel. You could take it a step further and write down what values you were expressing while you were accomplishing all these things.

And, one more step… you could ask yourself what beliefs you were operating from that helped you to be able to manifest all these positive results that you’ve created.