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2011 Planning – Forget How

Yesterday’s blog included; “Dream big and forget the how, when, where, who and why at this state and all that matters is; what are your biggest dreams?”

Here is an excerpt from The Power by Rhonda Byrne:

“To help you have the true perspective of creation, no matter how big your desire may seem to you, think of it as the size of a dot! You may want a house, car, vacation, money, the perfect partner, your dream job or children. You may want to receive full health in your body. You may want to pass exams, get into a particular college, break a world record, become president, a successful actor, lawyer, writer, or teacher. It doesn’t matter what it is you want, think of it as the size of a dot, because for the force of love, what you want is smaller than a dot!”

“If you find your faith wavering, just put a dot in the center of a large circle and next to the dot write the name of your desire. As often as you like, look at your drawing of your dot in the circle, knowing your desire is the size of that dot for the force of love!”