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$2000 Too High & Ogden Point

The 1 ?Ǭ? hour scenic drive to Victoria was magical filled with views of forests, mountains, the ocean and the small towns along the way.

While enjoying the views, I put some thought into my marketing plan and the actions that we are going to be taking now that the relocation and related projects are completed. 🙂 In the old days, I would be going over the upcoming speaking presentation in my head, over and over, and over, and over and over – you get the point.

While I was in Victoria, I stopped in to see two different book publishers.

I had heard that $5000 will get you 500 books published including graphics.

The first place that I went to turned out to be the one.

I was able to walk through their production facilities with the owner and this is what they do – print and publish books of all shapes and sizes. The owner of the business dealt directly with me and he is very hands on gave me many, many helpful hints. Their fee also includes web site hosting, advice about fees, an ISBN number and much more

The good news was that the price was less that $3000 for the 500 books, graphics and taxes in.

The second place was like one of those huge printing shops like the ones that begin with the letter K that are in most cities. They print and publish everything and they have many, what appear to be part time and from time to time help. I lined up at the cue to await my turn to speak with a representative. The person that looked after the books would be 5 minutes and the person that was helping me out tried to do their best to give me a price which turned out to be double the first price that I received. I asked what other support they provided. “All we do is publish books”. You will have to find an editor and graphics person. The person that looks after the books arrived and checked the price which turned out to be $2000 too high. Thank you very much.

I don’t know Victoria, BC all that well and after navigating my way through the city to the two publishers, with a flawless travel itinerary that Laura made up for me, I made my way to the hotel where I was going to be speaking.

I felt uneasy. I wasn’t thinking about speaking for 2 ?Ǭ? hours to 120 strangers. I thought that it must have been the traveling and finding my way around a strange place.

With 15 minutes to spare, I drove past the hotel to Ogden Point and sat in my car and absorbed an amazing view of the ocean letting it wash away what was on my mind.

The speaking presentation was very well received! 🙂