
Leading Advisors One Page Business Plan™

Whether on paper or in their head, business people that don’t have a business plan keep going over the same to-do list or “stuff” over and over again and that sucks up their valuable consciousness reminding themselves  of what they have to do without making a decision about what action to do next leaving them in overwhelm.

  • Do you have too many scattered ideas?
  • Do you need to focus on a few?
  • Do you need to jumpstart your business right now?
  • Do you have no time or interest in writing a 50-page business plan?
  • Do you need to determine if you’re focusing on the right things?
  • Do you need an effective blueprint to keep yourself and team focused?

Join Simon Reilly in this value-packed presentation to learn how the One Page Business Plan can help you to write a clear, concise, and understandable business plan using keywords and short phrases in the fastest, easiest and simplest way possible.